Unlock ROI from ML  with 10X Efficiency

Revolutionize Your Future with Platforms and GenAI: Unlocking Unprecedented ROI. Enter the Era of ML as Your ROI Center.

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Design & manage the Entire ML Feature Lifecycle

Manage your entire ML lifecycle with a unified interface over any ML Infrastructure

Build data pipelines within hours to support ML and BI

Pre-processing pipelines

Automated orchestration and scheduling

Handle Missing Values & Outliers efficiently

Identify & Rectify Bad Data

10x ML efficiency by reducing lead time on feature deployment

Batch and streaming features using declarative framework

Feature serving from low latency stores

Feature Logic using DSL

Easy collaboration & cost optimization with repository

Train some of the best models by simply adjusting parameters

Custom fine tuning of LLMs

Training Data generation using declarative framework

DS Enablers to support Feature Profiling & Explainability

Model Registry for versioning

Deploy models without the hassle of managing infrastructure

Scalable services hosted on K8 or an instance

Support for SKLearn, Tensorflow, PyTorch etc

A/B Testing, ROI measurement framework for experimentation

Functionalities to cut infrastructure & compute costs

Integrated framework to mitigate the Risk of downtimes

Prometheus & Grafana to track health KPIs

Real-time alerts via Slack

Feature drift assessment for quality control

Airflow to track Data Pipelines

Simplify & Accelerate Data + ML Workflows, At Scale


Deploy models and data pipelines at 5-10X speed, saving up to 50% bandwidth in Data Engineering operations

Decision Support

Empower data science teams with customized enablers and domain expertise for more informed decision-making.

Cost Optimization

Reduce ML infrastructure expenses by up to 40% through the integration of cost-efficient features.

Compatibility & Flexibility

Ensure compatibility with diverse ecosystems and avoid vendor lock-in, providing flexibility and future-proofing your technology stack

Unlock Value with LLMs

Step ahead of your competitors by unlocking value through custom fine-tuned LLMs.

Time to Impact

Get from idea to impact at much faster speed with accelerated experimentation

Ride the Next Wave of Productivity

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Be the Pioneer in Harnessing AI for Unprecedented Growth.

Custom GenAI Solutions

Embrace GenAI for a competitive edge; leverage its cutting-edge capabilities to drive growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Precision fine-tuning of LLMs to fit your unique needs

Tailored AI Integration to amplify productivity and decision making

One Platform, Endless Possibilities

In the world of Fragmented applications, Redefine efficiency and Slash cost with our comprehensive Platform

From Data to Models, Infra to Monitoring & Alerting.

Design Partner to get custom features built

Execution Support & Managed Services

Overcome Operational Hurdles and Access Expertise: Leverage Yugen for Tailored Solutions and Strategic Support

Execution Support for Building AI Solutions

Managed Services for Platform

Never lose track of another AI/ML Project

Together we can make sure the world thrives. Build future not Pipelines.

No need to worry about infrastructure

Manage your entire ML lifecycle with a unified interface over any ML Infrastructure

Connect with Yugen.ai

Together we can make sure the world thrives.

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